NE region CASC final version.png



National Park Service Projects

—  Refugia In the Northeast —

 The goal of the NE RRC is to bring together natural resource managers and scientists from across the region interested in using (or just learning more about) climate change refugia management as a tactic for conserving species in the face of climate change.

One of the first steps we conducted at our kickoff workshop at the NE CSC's Regional Science Meeting in May 2017 was to develop a preliminary short list of species and ecosystems to focus northeast refugia management and mapping on.  Through real-time voting and discussion, we settled on a short list of ecosystems and species to focus on.


—  Priority Ecosystems In the Northeast —

The next step will be to get groups together based on species/ecosystem expertise and interest to discuss potential management plans or decisions for which prioritization would be helpful and what information exists related to environmental layers, species surveys, etc., to inform refugia identification and mapping.